[][src]Struct time::Duration

pub struct Duration { /* fields omitted */ }

A span of time with nanosecond precision.

Each Duration is composed of a whole number of seconds and a fractional part represented in nanoseconds.

Duration implements many traits, including [Add], [Sub], [Mul], and [Div], among others.

This implementation allows for negative durations, unlike [core::time::Duration].


impl Duration[src]

pub const fn zero() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 0.seconds().

assert_eq!(Duration::zero(), 0.seconds());

pub const fn nanosecond() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.nanoseconds().

assert_eq!(Duration::nanosecond(), 1.nanoseconds());

pub const fn microsecond() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.microseconds().

assert_eq!(Duration::microsecond(), 1.microseconds());

pub const fn millisecond() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.milliseconds().

assert_eq!(Duration::millisecond(), 1.milliseconds());

pub const fn second() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.seconds().

assert_eq!(Duration::second(), 1.seconds());

pub const fn minute() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.minutes().

assert_eq!(Duration::minute(), 1.minutes());

pub const fn hour() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.hours().

assert_eq!(Duration::hour(), 1.hours());

pub const fn day() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.days().

assert_eq!(Duration::day(), 1.days());

pub const fn week() -> Self[src]

Equivalent to 1.weeks().

assert_eq!(Duration::week(), 1.weeks());

pub const fn max_value() -> Self[src]

The maximum possible duration. Adding any positive duration to this will cause an overflow.

The value returned by this method may change at any time.

pub const fn min_value() -> Self[src]

The minimum possible duration. Adding any negative duration to this will cause an overflow.

The value returned by this method may change at any time.

pub const fn is_zero(self) -> bool[src]

Check if a duration is exactly zero.


pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool[src]

Check if a duration is negative.


pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool[src]

Check if a duration is positive.


pub fn sign(self) -> Sign[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.7:

To obtain the sign of a Duration, you should use the is_positive, is_negative, and is_zero methods.

Get the sign of the duration.

assert_eq!(1.seconds().sign(), Sign::Positive);
assert_eq!((-1).seconds().sign(), Sign::Negative);
assert_eq!(0.seconds().sign(), Sign::Zero);

pub const fn abs(self) -> Self[src]

Get the absolute value of the duration.

assert_eq!(1.seconds().abs(), 1.seconds());
assert_eq!(0.seconds().abs(), 0.seconds());
assert_eq!((-1).seconds().abs(), 1.seconds());

This function is const fn when using rustc >= 1.39.0.

pub const fn new(seconds: i64, nanoseconds: i32) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the provided seconds and nanoseconds. If nanoseconds is at least 109, it will wrap to the number of seconds.

assert_eq!(Duration::new(1, 0), 1.seconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::new(-1, 0), (-1).seconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::new(1, 2_000_000_000), 3.seconds());

pub const fn weeks(weeks: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of weeks. Equivalent to Duration::seconds(weeks * 604_800).

assert_eq!(Duration::weeks(1), 604_800.seconds());

pub const fn whole_weeks(self) -> i64[src]

Get the number of whole weeks in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.weeks().whole_weeks(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).weeks().whole_weeks(), -1);
assert_eq!(6.days().whole_weeks(), 0);
assert_eq!((-6).days().whole_weeks(), 0);

pub const fn days(days: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of days. Equivalent to Duration::seconds(days * 86_400).

assert_eq!(Duration::days(1), 86_400.seconds());

pub const fn whole_days(self) -> i64[src]

Get the number of whole days in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.days().whole_days(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).days().whole_days(), -1);
assert_eq!(23.hours().whole_days(), 0);
assert_eq!((-23).hours().whole_days(), 0);

pub const fn hours(hours: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of hours. Equivalent to Duration::seconds(hours * 3_600).

assert_eq!(Duration::hours(1), 3_600.seconds());

pub const fn whole_hours(self) -> i64[src]

Get the number of whole hours in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.hours().whole_hours(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).hours().whole_hours(), -1);
assert_eq!(59.minutes().whole_hours(), 0);
assert_eq!((-59).minutes().whole_hours(), 0);

pub const fn minutes(minutes: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of minutes. Equivalent to Duration::seconds(minutes * 60).

assert_eq!(Duration::minutes(1), 60.seconds());

pub const fn whole_minutes(self) -> i64[src]

Get the number of whole minutes in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.minutes().whole_minutes(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).minutes().whole_minutes(), -1);
assert_eq!(59.seconds().whole_minutes(), 0);
assert_eq!((-59).seconds().whole_minutes(), 0);

pub const fn seconds(seconds: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of seconds.

assert_eq!(Duration::seconds(1), 1_000.milliseconds());

pub const fn whole_seconds(self) -> i64[src]

Get the number of whole seconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.seconds().whole_seconds(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).seconds().whole_seconds(), -1);
assert_eq!(1.minutes().whole_seconds(), 60);
assert_eq!((-1).minutes().whole_seconds(), -60);

pub fn seconds_f64(seconds: f64) -> Self[src]

Creates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds represented as f64.

assert_eq!(Duration::seconds_f64(0.5), 0.5.seconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::seconds_f64(-0.5), -0.5.seconds());

pub fn as_seconds_f64(self) -> f64[src]

Get the number of fractional seconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.5.seconds().as_seconds_f64(), 1.5);
assert_eq!((-1.5).seconds().as_seconds_f64(), -1.5);

pub fn seconds_f32(seconds: f32) -> Self[src]

Creates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds represented as f32.

assert_eq!(Duration::seconds_f32(0.5), 0.5.seconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::seconds_f32(-0.5), (-0.5).seconds());

pub fn as_seconds_f32(self) -> f32[src]

Get the number of fractional seconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.5.seconds().as_seconds_f32(), 1.5);
assert_eq!((-1.5).seconds().as_seconds_f32(), -1.5);

pub const fn milliseconds(milliseconds: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of milliseconds.

assert_eq!(Duration::milliseconds(1), 1_000.microseconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::milliseconds(-1), (-1_000).microseconds());

pub const fn whole_milliseconds(self) -> i128[src]

Get the number of whole milliseconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.seconds().whole_milliseconds(), 1_000);
assert_eq!((-1).seconds().whole_milliseconds(), -1_000);
assert_eq!(1.milliseconds().whole_milliseconds(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).milliseconds().whole_milliseconds(), -1);

pub const fn subsec_milliseconds(self) -> i16[src]

Get the number of milliseconds past the number of whole seconds.

Always in the range -1_000..1_000.

assert_eq!(1.4.seconds().subsec_milliseconds(), 400);
assert_eq!((-1.4).seconds().subsec_milliseconds(), -400);

pub const fn microseconds(microseconds: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of microseconds.

assert_eq!(Duration::microseconds(1), 1_000.nanoseconds());
assert_eq!(Duration::microseconds(-1), (-1_000).nanoseconds());

pub const fn whole_microseconds(self) -> i128[src]

Get the number of whole microseconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.milliseconds().whole_microseconds(), 1_000);
assert_eq!((-1).milliseconds().whole_microseconds(), -1_000);
assert_eq!(1.microseconds().whole_microseconds(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).microseconds().whole_microseconds(), -1);

pub const fn subsec_microseconds(self) -> i32[src]

Get the number of microseconds past the number of whole seconds.

Always in the range -1_000_000..1_000_000.

assert_eq!(1.0004.seconds().subsec_microseconds(), 400);
assert_eq!((-1.0004).seconds().subsec_microseconds(), -400);

pub const fn nanoseconds(nanoseconds: i64) -> Self[src]

Create a new Duration with the given number of nanoseconds.

assert_eq!(Duration::nanoseconds(1), 1.microseconds() / 1_000);
assert_eq!(Duration::nanoseconds(-1), (-1).microseconds() / 1_000);

pub const fn whole_nanoseconds(self) -> i128[src]

Get the number of nanoseconds in the duration.

assert_eq!(1.microseconds().whole_nanoseconds(), 1_000);
assert_eq!((-1).microseconds().whole_nanoseconds(), -1_000);
assert_eq!(1.nanoseconds().whole_nanoseconds(), 1);
assert_eq!((-1).nanoseconds().whole_nanoseconds(), -1);

pub const fn subsec_nanoseconds(self) -> i32[src]

Get the number of nanoseconds past the number of whole seconds.

The returned value will always be in the range -1_000_000_000..1_000_000_000.

assert_eq!(1.000_000_400.seconds().subsec_nanoseconds(), 400);
assert_eq!((-1.000_000_400).seconds().subsec_nanoseconds(), -400);

pub fn checked_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self>[src]

Computes self + rhs, returning None if an overflow occurred.

assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_add(5.seconds()), Some(10.seconds()));
assert_eq!(Duration::max_value().checked_add(1.nanoseconds()), None);
assert_eq!((-5).seconds().checked_add(5.seconds()), Some(0.seconds()));

pub fn checked_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self>[src]

Computes self - rhs, returning None if an overflow occurred.

assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_sub(5.seconds()), Some(Duration::zero()));
assert_eq!(Duration::min_value().checked_sub(1.nanoseconds()), None);
assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_sub(10.seconds()), Some((-5).seconds()));

pub fn checked_mul(self, rhs: i32) -> Option<Self>[src]

Computes self * rhs, returning None if an overflow occurred.

assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_mul(2), Some(10.seconds()));
assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_mul(-2), Some((-10).seconds()));
assert_eq!(5.seconds().checked_mul(0), Some(0.seconds()));
assert_eq!(Duration::max_value().checked_mul(2), None);
assert_eq!(Duration::min_value().checked_mul(2), None);

pub fn checked_div(self, rhs: i32) -> Option<Self>[src]

Computes self / rhs, returning None if rhs == 0.

assert_eq!(10.seconds().checked_div(2), Some(5.seconds()));
assert_eq!(10.seconds().checked_div(-2), Some((-5).seconds()));
assert_eq!(1.seconds().checked_div(0), None);

pub fn time_fn<T>(f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> (Self, T)[src]

Runs a closure, returning the duration of time it took to run. The return value of the closure is provided in the second part of the tuple.

impl Duration[src]

Functions that have been renamed or had signatures changed since v0.1. As such, they are deprecated.

pub fn num_weeks(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_weeks function

pub fn num_days(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_days function

pub fn num_hours(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_hours function

pub fn num_minutes(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_minutes function

pub fn num_seconds(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_seconds function

pub fn num_milliseconds(&self) -> i64[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_milliseconds function. The value is clamped between i64::min_value() and i64::max_value().

[Duration::whole_milliseconds] returns an i128, rather than panicking on overflow. To avoid panicking, this method currently limits the value to the range i64::min_value()..=i64::max_value().

pub fn num_microseconds(&self) -> Option<i64>[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_microseconds function

[Duration::whole_microseconds] returns an i128 rather than returning None on i64 overflow.

pub fn num_nanoseconds(&self) -> Option<i64>[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the whole_nanoseconds function

[Duration::whole_nanoseconds] returns an i128 rather than returning None on i64 overflow.

pub fn span<F: FnOnce()>(f: F) -> Self[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use the time_fn function

pub fn from_std(std: StdDuration) -> Result<Self, ConversionRangeError>[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use Duration::try_from(value) or value.try_into()

pub fn to_std(&self) -> Result<StdDuration, ConversionRangeError>[src]

👎 Deprecated since 0.2.0:

Use std::time::Duration::try_from(value) or value.try_into()

Trait Implementations

impl Add<Duration> for Date[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for Instant[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for StdInstant[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for OffsetDateTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for SystemTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for PrimitiveDateTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Duration> for Time[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output[src]

Add the sub-day time of the Duration to the Time. Wraps on overflow.

assert_eq!(time!(12:00) + 2.hours(), time!(14:00));
assert_eq!(time!(0:00:01) + (-2).seconds(), time!(23:59:59));

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Date[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Instant[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for StdInstant[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for OffsetDateTime[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for SystemTime[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for PrimitiveDateTime[src]

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Time[src]

fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration)[src]

Add the sub-day time of the Duration to the existing Time. Wraps on overflow.

let mut time = time!(12:00);
time += 2.hours();
assert_eq!(time, time!(14:00));

let mut time = time!(0:00:01);
time += (-2).seconds();
assert_eq!(time, time!(23:59:59));

impl Clone for Duration[src]

impl Copy for Duration[src]

impl Debug for Duration[src]

impl Default for Duration[src]

impl Div<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<f32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<f64> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<i16> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<i32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<i8> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<u16> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<u32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Div<u8> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl DivAssign<f32> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<f64> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<i16> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<i32> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<i8> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<u16> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<u32> for Duration[src]

impl DivAssign<u8> for Duration[src]

impl Eq for Duration[src]

impl Hash for Duration[src]

impl Mul<Duration> for i8[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for i16[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for i32[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for u8[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for u16[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for u32[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for f32[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<Duration> for f64[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<f32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<f64> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<i16> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<i32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<i8> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<u16> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<u32> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl Mul<u8> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl MulAssign<f32> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<f64> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<i16> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<i32> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<i8> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<u16> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<u32> for Duration[src]

impl MulAssign<u8> for Duration[src]

impl Neg for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Ord for Duration[src]

impl PartialEq<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl PartialEq<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl PartialEq<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

impl PartialOrd<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl PartialOrd<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl PartialOrd<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

impl StructuralEq for Duration[src]

impl StructuralPartialEq for Duration[src]

impl Sub<Duration> for Date[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

type Output = Duration

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for Instant[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for StdInstant[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for OffsetDateTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for SystemTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for PrimitiveDateTime[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl Sub<Duration> for Time[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output[src]

Subtract the sub-day time of the Duration from the Time. Wraps on overflow.

    time!(14:00) - 2.hours(),
    time!(23:59:59) - (-2).seconds(),

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Date[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Duration[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Instant[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for StdInstant[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for OffsetDateTime[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for SystemTime[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for PrimitiveDateTime[src]

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Time[src]

fn sub_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration)[src]

Subtract the sub-day time of the Duration from the existing Time. Wraps on overflow.

let mut time = time!(14:00);
time -= 2.hours();
assert_eq!(time, time!(12:00));

let mut time = time!(23:59:59);
time -= (-2).seconds();
assert_eq!(time, time!(0:00:01));

impl TryFrom<Duration> for Duration[src]

type Error = ConversionRangeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<Duration> for StdDuration[src]

type Error = ConversionRangeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Duration

impl Send for Duration

impl Sync for Duration

impl Unpin for Duration

impl UnwindSafe for Duration

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Sealed<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.